Alternative fuel cylinders
Alternative fuel cylinders
Product Descriptions


A leading global supplier of lightweight, high-pressure composite cylinders for storage and transportation of compressed natural gas (CNG), a clean-burning, environmentally friendly alternative fuel (AF). Also used for storage of bio-methane, hydrogen and other industrial bulk gases.

Because our Type 3 AF cylinders are 66% lighter than Type 1 steel cylinders and up to 20% lighter than other Type 3 cylinders, they offer greatly improved fuel economy, increased range and a significant reduction in vehicle maintenance costs because they lessen wear and tear on brakes, tires and suspension systems. In haulage businesses, reduced vehicle weight also permits higher payloads. Since lightweight composite cylinders can be manufactured in much larger diameters than would be practical with much heavier all-metal cylinders, fewer composite cylinders are required to contain the same volume of gas.